Monday, October 20, 2008

New Christendom CD!

The fifth Christendom College CD entitled "Cantate Domino" should really (honestly, I mean it!) come out by this Christmas.  By the time you read this I will have made the final corrections to the text and submitted them to the printer.  This medieval sequence is what will be on the cover.  The CD will consist of the five or so newly recorded choir pieces and the several newly recorded schola pieces, plus the "best of" of the last three CD's.  It is meant to replace the first CD which is a "generic - non-thematic" CD which the College gives out to potential students and donors.  This one is definitely of a higher quality.  (I have a sentimental attachment to that first one from 2000, but it needed to be replaced.)

Some of the tracks are quite stunning.  Especially the most recently recorded.  This is some very good singing for liberal arts students.  I don't mean that as a put down.  Those of us who specialize sometimes can't think our way out of a paper bag.  I greatly admire the intensive liberal arts training that the Christendom students receive.  You all will have an important influence on the culture in whatever you do, even (no especially) as parents.  I just wish that it would have been combined with certain basic training in music (also a liberal art) that started in grade school and that I could then further refine instead of having to start at a more basic level.

But, as I said, for a group of people who weren't music majors nor ever had to take a music class, you have done astoundingly well in some of the tracks.  Astoundingly well.  Far better than what I can remember of my college choir - which I wasn't in, I was a real "bando" at the time.


Alaina said...

I had completely forgotten that there was another CD in the works. How exciting!

lover of beauty said...

Thanks for the positive reinforcement! It's good to hear, once in a while.

Lizzie said...

Yay! I am so excited. Keep me posted!

Sylvia said...

Sounds like a good Christmas present, if i can get my hands on one in time!