Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Anthony Smitha Dream Blog Parody

OK, here goes: So I (Kurt) am on my trip to London and the plane is landing at Heathrow, but there is something very dark and grainy about the feel of it - almost like a newsreel. It doesn't look like London 2008, but rather like Berlin 1938. All of the sudden I find myself at this massive Nazi rally, but find out that Hitler is feeling under the weather. They ask me if I will fill in for him, but I decline because my German is not that good. All of the sudden this guy starts pushing his way through the crowd saying, "I'll do it! I'll do it!" (in English!) It turns out to be Anthony. Surprisingly, they let him do it - although Himmler expresses some concern that Anthony will try to flirt with Eva Braun. Anthony walks up to the podium looking and dressed, well . . . exactly like Anthony, but then proceeds to give a rousing address in perfect German with all of Hitler's mannerism's down pat. The audience goes wild.

Sure enough, later in the evening, I see Anthony sidling up to Eva Braun on a bench. Tapping his cheek closest to her he says, "Gibst du mir ein Kuss?"

Then all of the sudden I am in Michael Collin's car and he is driving me home from Dulles Airport. When we get to where I live, the house is gone. There clearly was a big explosion and Draper is riding his tricycle around what is left of the foundation. When I ask Michael what happened he says, "didn't you know that Anthony was working counter intelligence for the US government? He infiltrated the Third Reich and uncovered a German spy ring in America. Your landlord was a German spy, so, of course, they had to blow his house up."

When I ask about the steps to my apartment that my landlord had started constructing Michael says, "Oh, well, they laid down this special tarp before they blew up the house so that the steps would be protected. That way, when he gets out of prison in 99 years, he won't have to start from scratch to finish your steps . . ."


Alaina said...

Wow . . . I'm speechless. The format is perfect!

lover of beauty said...

Wow! I think I resent the fact that Anthony has deserted me for Eva Braun, of all people. ;)

In all seriousness, though, if anything can be, that was extremely funny. I find it amusing that your reason for declining to play Hitler was because of your "lack" of German. Back in the good old choir days, I always knew you had dictatorial tendencies. ;)

Anne said...

Ah, so this was more a sleep-deprived hallucination than a daydream, I'd wager. Pretty wild. Some of your students may have found your dreams/musings rather surprising, as I did at first, but upon reflection, I really don't. I grew up with this guy, folks, and his capacity for silliness can be quite astounding. I remember a whole complicated fantasy saga we created for the rather uncouth family who lived next door to us, complete with operatic singing, major motion pictures, a son who could fly, and a talking dog. (I'll shut up now, Kurt, so as not to compromise your dignity as a professor/director).

Kurt Poterack said...

although the post is quite silly, since you don't know the individual in question, you may not realize that many of the comic exaggerations are based on kernals of truth.

Anne said...


Anne said...

BTW, off topic, just sent you an email on some news unrelated to this....

Ken said...

Bwaaahaaaaahaaaa! I love it!

Anthony Smitha said...

That is hilarious!!! I love it!! I must remember that German line. :-D

Texas Teddy said...

Vo bist du, Mein Schatz!?